Series 13 – The Presence of God Lesson 6: Pentecost

Acts 2Pentecost

Read Acts 2:1-3. Close your eyes and imagine the coming of the Holy Spirit: The violent wind filling the house; seeing the tongues of fire separating and resting on each person; being filled with the Holy Spirit; the speaking in foreign tongues.

What thoughts and feelings might you have experienced at each one of these events?

Read Acts 2:5-13. If you have lived in a place where a different language is spoken, you have experienced the sensation of hearing your mother tongue in a crowd. Recall or imagine the feeling of hearing your own language.  What questions and emotions would that evoke in you? What questions would come to mind?

Pay attention to the large list of geographic places and corresponding languages that were spoken.  Note the wonder, perplexity, and amazement in their responses.

Notice that this diversity of peoples shared the fact that they were all Jews, coming to Jerusalem to celebrate a Jewish festival.

Read Acts 2:14-37.  Imagine hearing Peter’s words as one who had been a part of the crowd who jeered Jesus as he was carrying his cross to Calvary.  Highlight the words that would cut you to the heart (vs. 37).

Read Acts 2:38-41. How would you hear these words after witnessing the death of Jesus and the events of Pentecost?  What qualities would it take to go from one who favored crucifying Jesus to one who was baptized in his name?  Reflect on these qualities.

Read Acts 2:42-47.  Underline the actions that were taken.  Highlight the phrases that speak about their dedication to God and the apostles.

Reflect honestly on the following questions:

  • What brings awe into your worship?  What prevents you from experiencing awe?
  • In what ways does your life indicate your dedication to God and the leaders of the church?
  • How do you demonstrate a glad and sincere heart in the community of faith?

Pray:  If you have difficulty answering these questions, pray for God to convict you as the Jews at Pentecost were convicted.  Pray for guidance to see what changes you need to make in your life to live a life of repentance and forgiveness.